Al Hilal Bank Office Tower
Citation of Merit
Firm: Goettsch Partners
Location: Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Client: Al Hilal Bank
Contractor: Al Fara`a General Contracting Co. LLC
Consultants: DeSimone Consulting Engineers, Environmental Systems Design, Serex International, John Buck International, MLC International, One Lux Studio, Shiner + Associates, Wolff Landscape Architecture, Viskotech Facade Access Consulting, Dan Euser Waterarchtiecture
Photos: Lester Ali
Located on Al Maryah Island in Abu Dhabi, this office building’s dramatic massing and formal character are derived from the creation of a series of sculpted voids at the corners that migrate around the building. The result is a design that emphasizes bold clarity, simple elegance and sophistication.
That elegance is what truly excited the jury. “The building is well-detailed,” said one juror. “There is so much pattern-making going on; the fins unify it, but the architects showed subtle restraint.”